IT Training for your Company
Individual User Training – Worldwide
MRE is your partner for in-house IT user training.
We offer numerous training courses about the following: MS Office, MS Project, MS Teams (and its corresponding apps), Adobe, SAP,10-finger typing training and AUTO-CAD.
All IT training courses are individually designed and geared to the practical needs of the employees.
All training courses can either take place online or onsite
We are also happy to accompany you on your journey with being acquainted with other or new software programs
Advantages of IT training at MR Education Services:
- Demand tailor-made IT training for online or onsite users in your company
- Comprehensive support with new software applications
- Online training is available worldwide / onsite throughout Europe
- Mobile rooms enable in-house training without having a training room beforehand
- Highly qualified trainers
- Complete takeover of administrative and organizational duties on request
IT Training Topics
Introduction and training in the most modern IT solutions
- Office 365
- Microsoft TEAMS
- Word
- Excel
- Powerpoint
- Access
- OneNote
- Outlook
- SharePoint
- Adobe
- Visio
- MS Project
- VBA programming
- Office/Windows migration (Roll-out support)
- Windows
- MindMap
- ThinkCell
- Webex Meetings, Zoom
- and more
Our Training Formats
From individual coaching to comprehensive roll-out support
- individual Coaching for a single employee
- individual processing of workplace-specific questions
- Documents or record-editing
- Company templates
- Individual training for employees
- Dealing with company-specific questions
- Content adaptation based on both the company´s and group´s requirements
- Company templates
- When switching over to a new Office or Windows version
- Advice on the roll-out process
- Post-training support for users
- Provision of first-level support for user queries post-changeover
Your IT-Training journey
6 steps for precise and individual IT – seminar concepts for your company
Have you been looking for an IT-Training course and have found an interesting topic? Are you planning to introduce a new piece of software or tool in your company? If so, we look forward to receiving your enquiry and discussing your needs with you.
We would like to know more about the background to your enquiry. For this reason we offer comprehensive consultations virtually, on the telephone or on-site and together we are able to define your desired training needs. We will gladly advise you on all our types of training services and how this can certainly define your company´s learning success.
Using the information and background information you provide us we then start to broadly conceptualize your training needs. We discuss this with our team of experts and you will receive an initial concept and trainer proposal from us in a timely manner.
The general training concept is a key basis of our discussion and referring to this we then agree on the desired content and objectives with you. At this point at the latest, the trainers who will be carrying out the training will be involved in order to accommodate all your training needs. We are also happy to assist with the formation of homogeneous learning groups.
You will receive our final offer and following on from that we then start to organize your training. We are happy to take care of participant management, hardware provision (if unavailable), system coordination, etc. and of course the entire training itself.
After training is complete we then collect feedback from its participants and give you feedback on how things went. Certificates are also issued to the training´s participants. Of course, all steps are coordinated with you and are based on your desired training needs.
Our service offers at a glance
Professional and personalised training support for all our customers
Further education is our number one passion. Our customer managers ensure that every single training event is an educational success.
Each training course can be provided with and supported by our 360° customer management concept.
If you would like to have external training for your company, our Managed Training Service is an option for you.
If your training needs are becoming more digital, the MRE Digital Hub can support you with all topics
360° customer management for every training
- Prozessabstimmung
- Bedarfsanalyse und Planung
- Konzeption
- Organistaion & Durchführung
- Teilnehmermanagement
- Evaluation
> Mehr zum Thema 360°-Kundenmanagement
Managed Training Service
- Übernahme der Steuerung der Weiterbildungsaktivitäten
- Gemeinsame Bedarfsanalyse und Planung
- Drittanbietersteuerung
- Teilnehmermanagement
- Steuerung der Teilnehmerkommunikation
- Hotel- und Veranstaltungsmanagement
> Mehr Informationen zu “Managed Training-Service”
MRE | Digital Hub
- Technologieberatung
- Konzeptionsberatung
- Digtialisierung von Service und Vertrieb
- Befähigung, Einführung und Prozesse
- Virtuelles Veranstaltungsmanagement
- Nutzung zahlreicher Technologien
> Mehr zum Digital Hub
Request an IT training consultation now
Get started with your IT training now:
- Recording the Status Quo
- Needs Analysis and Planning
- An Individual Training Concept
We will be happy to assist you in an advisory capacity. Get in touch with our contact persons by e-mail or by filling out our contact form. We are also available by telephone.